An original musical fantasy about revenge and redemption.


After lifetimes of wandering, a traveler with a rare gift returns to the village that she was exiled from long ago. On her quest for vengeance, she becomes caught up in the lives of villagers whose stories are intertwined with her own: an obsessed bookkeeper, a haunted widow, and the family of woodcutters who betrayed her. When her unyielding desire threatens the very fabric of the village, she faces a pivotal choice: find a way to forgive, or risk everything to take her revenge.

Developed with TONY Award winning producer Jane Dubin and award winning director Lisa Rothe, The Village of Vale is a 7-episode musical podcast series by writers Jonathan Karpinos, John McGrew, and Joseph Varca. Through immersive sound, unforgettable music, and storytelling that is both epic and intimate, Vale is a one-of-a-kind audio experience–and a novel approach to connecting audiences with a new musical.

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